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7 Movies You Should Watch If You Want To Be A Tech Bro

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Books are a great way to gain knowledge but hear me out, movies are also really cool. You get to gain the knowledge in an audio-visual manner plus you get to be entertained at the same time.

If I ask some of you now, ‘how many tech movies do you know?’, the only movie you will mention is The Matrix (not that The Matrix is not a great tech movie to watch) and it’s only because that’s the only one you know. 🙄

For those who want to sound like tech bros even though they have never written a single line of code in their life, this is for you. Here are 7 tech movies to watch if you want to gain insight into the world of tech; especially if you’d like to break into the tech industry. Keep reading.

The Social Network

The Social Network is one of the most popular tech movies to watch. It depicts the founding of Facebook and the story of Mark Zuckerberg and his co-founders. The movie follows the story of Mark Zuckerberg and his Harvard classmates, who create Facebook in their dorm room. 

As the site becomes more popular, it starts to cause tension among the group. The movie does a great job of showing the complex relationships between the founders, and how their different personalities and motivations led to conflict. 

It’s also a really interesting look at the early days of social media and the internet. If you’re interested in technology or business, this is one of the best tech movies to watch. The story is fascinating, and the movie is really well made. It’s one of those rare movies that’s both entertaining and informative.

Pirates of the Silicon Valley 

7 Movies You Should Watch If You Want To Be A Tech Bro/Sis

Pirates of the Silicon Valley is a really interesting film that’s based on a true story. It tells the story of the early days of Apple and Microsoft, and how the rivalry between Steve Jobs and Bill Gates shaped the tech industry. It’s a fascinating look at how the personal computer revolution began. 

Jobs was the co-founder of Apple, and Gates was the co-founder of Microsoft. They had very different personalities and approaches to business, and that led to a lot of conflict between them. The movie also looks at the role of other key figures, like Steve Wozniak, Steve Ballmer, and Paul Allen. 

The movie shows how a combination of vision, creativity, and cutthroat competition drove the industry. It also highlights the way a unique mix of personalities come together top shape the tech industry. This cocktail includes eccentric geniuses, idealistic hippies, and ruthless businessmen. 


7 Movies You Should Watch If You Want To Be A Tech Bro/Sis

The movie, Jobs, is another great film about the life of Steve Jobs! This movie covers a lot of the same ground as Pirates of the Silicon Valley, but it focuses more specifically on Jobs and his journey from college dropout to tech icon. It also shows how Jobs was both a visionary and a difficult person to work with. 

One of the things that the movie Jobs does really well is showing how the personal computer revolution transformed the world. It depicts how the Apple II, the Macintosh, and the iPhone all changed the way we live and work. 

The movie also portrays Jobs as a complex figure – he was driven, ambitious, and sometimes ruthless. But he was also capable of great kindness and compassion. 

The Internship

The Internship is a comedy about two older men who are down on their luck and end up interning at Google. It’s a fun and lighthearted movie that is full of jokes about the tech industry. It also offers a lot of insights into the world of Silicon Valley and the culture of tech companies. 

Another interesting aspect of The Internship is how it depicts the culture of Google. The movie shows the company’s emphasis on creativity and innovation, as well as its unique perks like free food and on-site recreation. It also portrays the fierce competition among interns and the high standards that Google has for its employees. 

One unique thing about The Internship is that parts of it were filmed at Googleplex; the company’s headquarters in Mountain View, California. This gave the movie a really authentic feel, and it allowed the filmmakers to use some of Google’s real-life features, like its free food and colorful office spaces.  


Tech Movies To Watch

Hackers is another movie that explores the world of technology and computers. It’s about a group of high school hackers who found themselves caught up in a larger conspiracy. The movie is full of 90s nostalgia, and it’s a lot of fun to watch. The special effects and computer graphics may look a bit dated by today’s standards, but the movie is still really enjoyable. 

Hackers has a great cast, including Angelina Jolie, Jonny Lee Miller, and Matthew Lillard. The movie is set in New York City, and it features some iconic locations like Washington Square Park and the World Trade Center. One of the most memorable scenes is the one where the characters “hack the planet” by using a payphone. 

Did you know that Hackers is actually based on a real story? The screenplay was inspired by a non-fiction book called “Cyberpunk.”


Tech Movies To Watch

Tron is a classic sci-fi movie about a computer programmer who got transported into a computer game and has to fight his way out. The movie was groundbreaking for its time, with amazing special effects and a cool retro aesthetic. We really can’t put together a list of tech movies to watch without adding Tron.

Tron was one of the first movies to explore the idea of a virtual world. The plot revolves around a programmer named Kevin Flynn who is trying to prove that his ideas were stolen by his former employer. When he tries to hack into the company’s mainframe, he gets sucked into the computer world and has to fight his way out. 

Tron was groundbreaking for its use of computer animation. It helped pave the way for future movies like The Matrix. 

War Games

Tech Movies To Watch

War Games is another classic movie about computers and hacking. It’s tells the story of a high school student named David Lightman. While messing around, he accidentally hacks into a military supercomputer and nearly starts World War III. 

The movie is actually a lot of fun, and it’s full of great 80s references and humor. It’s also really interesting because it was one of the first movies to explore the idea of computer security and how vulnerable computer systems can be. 

The central theme of War Games is really interesting. The movie asks the question: what would happen if a computer got so good at playing war games that it started to confuse simulation with reality? 

It explores this idea in a really thought-provoking way, and it raises some interesting questions about artificial intelligence. In fact, the movie is one of the first pop culture depictions of the dangers of AI.

Whether it’s social networking, cybersecurity or even Artificial Intelligence, these movies are a must-see for aspiring tech bros and tech sis’. If you liked this article, do share it with that aspiring techie that you know. 

You should also check out the Tech Connect community on Fusion for more insights into the world of tech. There, you’ll gain access to professional advice, knowledge sharing sessions, banter and positive vibes.

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One Response

  1. I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.

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