Given the amount of time people spend on social media every day, just scrolling away and watching tidbits of other peoples’ lives, you’ll expect that we would have exhausted all there is to see on social media but it turns out that the more we see, the more there is to see. Also, contrary to the opinion of older people, social media isn’t all bad; a lot of positives have come from social media. Here are some things you could actually do on social media.
Find a Job

Do you know that people get jobs on social media? Just by spending time and chilling like everyone else on social media, people have gotten actual well-paying jobs. Just before you ask questions like, “Am I a pencil?” “Why can’t I get a job on social media too?”
These people don’t move anyhow on social media; they post valuable information/content on social media, contribute reasonably to conversations and follow people they look up to that mirror their values, avoid unnecessary drama and keep building a culture of credibility even on social media.
Guess what, when certain opportunities show up, they get recommendations or they’re even first to see them. And if ever there was a stiff competition and the selection criteria boils down to social media shenanigans, their profile speaks volumes and could be the winning factor.
Find out your partner is cheating

If you have a cheating partner, social media might be a good place to sniff out their extracurricular activities. This is because the cheater or their side piece might be thrilled enough to share their escapades on social media and it may take a bit of time but if your FBI skills are honed properly, you’ll get them.
However, the way to handle this problem after you discover the evidence is a different ball game entirely and this is where most people miss it. Social media isn’t the place to solve your marital problems; it might have worked for a few people but it’s not ideal. It’s best to tackle those problems with the help of a professional if both of you can’t resolve it together. Social media commentators will only make a bigger mess of the situation and the internet never forgets. It’s best to keep your personal issues off social media.
Finding a missing person

Did you know that you can easily spread information about a missing person and you’ll get a wider reach on social media? People have used their old pictures or pictures of the missing person to find them through social media.
I remember the story of a lady that went viral on social media, a 19-year-old who had been declared missing in December 2022 and was eventually seen in January 2023 going into a police station with a strange guy requesting her name be removed from the missing person list, someone spotted them and put it on social media and people kept sharing it until her family members saw it and rushed down to the station and they were able to rescue her.
Topple a Government

Talking about the power of social media; the Egyptian former president Morsi was ousted by his people in June, 2013. How was it done? Through social media. In fact, someone named his daughter; Facebook, in honor of that moment when the people triumphed over their government through rallies and protests organized on Facebook.
Nigeria has also witnessed some uprising due to campaigns that started out small on social media but eventually became a nationwide movement.
Raise Funds for School fees

Nothing appeals more to the charitable side of people than when their favourite celebrity cries out for help on behalf of a third party. The fact that a lot of people have gained scholarships on social media is quite obvious but do you know that you can raise funds for your school fees or some other noble cause on social media?
Just get that your celebrity friend to do a campaign for you. If you have a good enough reason and an even better following you can begin a gofundme to achieve that dream or goal of yours. Just don’t use the donation for a vacation…IYKYK
Watch other people play games

If data and Band A/B are not part of your daily trials, watching professional gamers play might be a great way to pass time and learn on social media. Yup, some people play games professionally and live stream them, and it’s fun to watch.
These gamers are so good that it’s more like you are watching a movie and before you realize it, you are part of those who have formed a community to support your favourite gamer. You can even learn a skill just by watching and staying online
There’s a lot of good stuff you can do on social media, don’t get carried away with the wrong narratives. Social media is a sword-like tool that has two sharp sides; what you get from it is dependent on how you use it. Shun the negatives, embrace the positives and actively contribute towards adding value to your community and the world at large via social media.
Join the conversation on Fusion and enjoy the boundless possibilities of being in our amazing communities. See ya!
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