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6 Items You’ll Need To Start Your Fitness Journey

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Start Your Fitfam Journey

Remember when you told yourself that you would take your health seriously this year? You even said you would get a gym membership and start your fitness journey…but look at you; it’s April and you’re still struggling to climb stairs without passing out.

The truth is, this fitfam thing is not as hard as you think it is.

If this little motivation has gingered you and you’re getting ready to start your fitness journey, there are a few items you’ll need to make sure it goes smoothly. Oya come, let me tell you how to start and what you will need.

A good pair of running shoes 

Start Your Fitfam Journey

First of all, drop your dunlop slippers at home. It is not used for exercise. And you sis, why are you using your brother’s oversized crocs to jog around your neighborhood, eh fine geh?

This is a no-brainer. Using a good pair of running shoes (emphasis on good) can help you in a number of ways. For instance, it can provide support and cushioning for your feet, which can help to reduce the risk of injury. Also, it can help you to run more efficiently, as it will be designed to provide the right amount of grip and stability. 

Most importantly, they can help to keep your feet cool and dry, as they will be designed to have good breathability. Please go and buy a good pair of running shoes!

A water bottle


Aunty Blessing, forguhsake remove that pure water you put in your fanny pack. Get a good water bottle instead. Using a good water bottle when exercising is very important. One of the reasons is because staying hydrated is essential for your health and performance, and having a water bottle makes it easy to drink enough water throughout your workout. 

Moreso, a good water bottle will keep your water cold and fresh-tasting, which can help to encourage you to drink more. It can also help to prevent dehydration by providing you with a way to track your fluid intake. Don’t go and faint from lack of water. You’re going to the gym, not inter-house sports. Nobody will give you Glucose-D.

A gym membership 

Start Your Fitfam Journey

If you can afford a gym membership, go for it! If all you can afford is jogging around your neighborhood, please do so as long as you’re getting the work done. There are several reasons why having a gym membership can be beneficial, though.

A gym membership provides access to a variety of equipment and resources that you may not have at home. This can help you to vary your workout routine and keep it interesting. 

Additionally, a gym membership can provide access to a pool, sauna, and other amenities that may not be available at home. It also provides you the opportunity to work out with others, which can be motivating and help you to stay on track. Good thing Healthbanc offers amazing discounts for gym memberships. All you need to do to access it is to join the Healthbanc community on Fusion.

If you have the money and you feel like you’re too introverted to do that gym business, you could consider getting yourself some home workout equipment too. Lagos apartments left the chat.

A fitness tracker 

A fitness tracker can be a helpful tool when exercising because it can provide accurate data on your heart rate, calories burned, and other metrics, which can help you to track your progress and make adjustments to your workout routine as needed. 

It can also provide feedback and motivation, such as badges or awards for meeting goals. It helps you to stay on track by providing reminders and notifications and also connect with other devices and apps, allowing you to track your progress over time.

This is especially for those of you who quit the gym after one week because they are not seeing results (as if the ‘m’ in gym stands for magic😏). Having a fitness tracker would show you how much progress you’re making which could lead to consistency and commitment. 

A deodorant or antiperspirant

Start Your Fitness Journey

Please and please, you’re at the gym to get fit; not to make people’s experiences unpleasant. Use deodorant before working out, biko. Sweating is normal and necessary for the body to regulate its temperature, but it can also cause unpleasant body odor. Deodorants help to prevent or reduce such odor, making it more pleasant for you and those around you when you’re exercising. 

Using deodorants can also help to prevent chafing and skin irritation that can be caused by sweating. And they can help to keep your clothes and equipment clean, as sweat can cause stains and damage over time. Finally, deodorants can help to improve your self-confidence and make you feel more comfortable and relaxed knowing that you don’t have to worry about body odor or feeling self-conscious.

Really, it is just a nice way to take care of yourself and show yourself (and others) some love.

A workout outfit 

start your fitness journey

Proper gym wear can help you to perform better and prevent injuries. In addition, wearing the right clothing can help to regulate your body temperature and keep you comfortable. Wearing clothes that fit well and are designed for exercise can make you feel more confident and motivated to work out. 

And if you didn’t know, wearing appropriate gym wear shows respect for yourself and those around you. So, choosing the right clothes for the gym is an important part of your workout routine. 

We’ve given you the starter pack to start your fitness journey this year. What are you waiting for? Make haste and get started on your fitness journey and by the end of the year, you’d be glad you did. Don’t forget that having an accountability partner is also very helpful. 

Do you have that friend that also wants to crush their fitness goals this year? Share this article with them and don’t forget to join the Health and Wellbeing community on Fusion.

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