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Valentine Solo Date Ideas For Single People

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Valentine Solo Date Ideas

Red is the colour of Valentine but it is also the colour of ata rodo. So this February, single people should expect premium peppering from the lovebirds. 

It’s that time of the year when no matter where you look, there just seems to be something to remind you of how single you are. From heart-shaped cakes to rose petals to lovey-dovey couples and romantic proposals, you can just feel the love in the air.

But since the mantra for 2024 is, No gree for anybody, couples should expect an equal dose of pepper from the single pringles.

No, you don’t have to have a plus one to feel loved. Yes, there’s such a thing as self-love and that is what this article will be all about. Practising self-love in a month of romantic love is allowed and I will be showing you some valentine solo date ideas to explore.

Buy yourself flowers

This advice is endorsed by Miley Cyrus’ hit single, Flowers. You don’t have to wait around for a significant other to buy you a bouquet of flowers before you get one. Try treating yourself to flowers. You deserve it.

valentine solo date ideas for single people

Flowers can help you reduce stress and anxiety, improve your mood and boost your overall well-being. Flowers have been described as the sunshine, food and medicine for the soul. You wouldn’t wait for your partner to get you food before you eat or get you drugs when you’re sick before you take them, would you? That’s right. You also don’t have to wait till you have a partner before you get yourself some flowers. Even if it’s the plastic ones you can afford, buy it. Is it their plastic?

Take time off, unplug, and see a movie

Yes, in that order. Valentine’s Day falls on a Wednesday so ask your boss to give you leave from work on that day. Give your colleagues something to gossip about. They’ll probably be wondering if you’d be spending the day with the love of your life and how you’ll both be spending it.

But we both know it’s really because you don’t want to see all the gifts and V-day messages your colleagues will be getting from their partners. So apply for leave now and start planning one or more of these valentine solo date ideas. Taking leave isn’t for you to go home and ugly cry though. That’s why it’s necessary for you to unplug. When you’re not mindlessly scrolling through IG and X and consuming all that romantic content, you’re less likely to feel miserable about your singleness.

Valentine Solo Date Ideas

Watch your favourite movies or shows or documentaries or whatever your jam is. Escaping into the world of entertainment can provide a much-needed reprieve from your worries and responsibilities, allowing you to relax and de-stress. This can have a positive impact on your mental and emotional health.

Go to Comedy Shows

Laughter is the best medicine. Isn’t that what they say? So if the videos of those lovey-dovey couples are suffocating you, take yourself to a comedy show. You’re guaranteed to enjoy a good, hearty laugh. By the time you get home, you’ll be in a cheerful mood and forget why you were even feeling depressed to begin with.

Media psychologist, Dr. Pamela B. Rutledge, Director of the Media Psychology Research Center in California says that, “Humor is a coping mechanism that allows us to gain perspective and take some control. In this sense, humor reframes experience so we can see something in a new way,” adding that watching comedies can provide some safety and distance from difficult things, or reinforce the fact that we are not alone’.

Try Exercising

This is for those who don’t wish to do anything too serious on that day. You could try exercise. Bonus points if exercise is already a part of your daily routine. You’ve probably heard by now that exercise can improve your mood. How so? Well, a physical activity like exercise triggers the release of the endorphin hormone in your body. 

According to WebMD, ‘Endorphins also trigger a positive feeling in the body, similar to that of morphine. For example, the feeling that follows a run or workout is often described as “euphoric.” That feeling, known as a “runner’s high,” can be accompanied by a positive and energizing outlook on life.’

Valentine Solo Date Ideas

Exercise helps you tone your body and improves your overall appearance which could in turn improve your self esteem and confidence because you feel good about the way you look. And when you feel good about yourself, you are less likely to feel anxiety about your single life.

Try a new recipe

Cooking is a form of self-care and self-love. It involves preparing a healthy meal that will nourish your body and provide the nutrients it needs. Eating out isn’t always healthy. Cooking at home, on the other hand, helps you monitor what goes into your body.

Although cooking is often seen as a chore, you can change your perspective. See it as an opportunity to improve your overall well-being? Food is one of the things that helps the human body to flourish. Therefore, we could also say that cooking indirectly helps you thrive. 

Research suggests that humans have been preparing and sharing cooked meals together for centuries. Recent studies have hypothesized that some of the pleasure derived from cooking stems from food’s positive associations with social occasions and time spent with loved ones. 

So, this valentine season why not try a new recipe and share it with family and friends? Or if that isn’t feasible you could enjoy your meal yourself. If the meal turns out fine, that sense of accomplishment you get from doing something well is truly satisfying. 


And if you don’t know how to cook, you can always sign up for Hilda Baci’s cooking class. Best case, you win gifts and lots of money (she’s giving away cash in the millions). And if you don’t win, at least you’ll learn how to cook and when you do find love, you can show off your cooking skills to bae.

You don’t have to be in a relationship to be happy. If you find yourself single with no one to mingle with this Valentine, try any of these valentine solo date ideas. You can be assured that you wouldn’t be any less happier than those lovebirds.

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