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Tips For Building A Healthy Sexual Relationship (And Having Great Orgasms)

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healthy sexual relationship

Building a healthy sexual relationship is a two-way street. It takes serious work from both parties and definitely does not happen overnight. 

The truth is that people aren’t perfect so we can’t expect relationships (or situationships) to be either. But with the right mindset, you and your sneaky link partner can create and maintain a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship.

In this article, we explore tips and tricks you can employ to help you achieve a healthy sexual relationship (and some great orgasms too.)

Let’s get into it. 

Respect And Support Each Other

This entails valuing your partner’s needs, boundaries and opinions. Although the goal is to have great sex, you should not ignore other aspects of your relationship. Encourage and celebrate their successes and offer extra help when they’re having a tough time. 

It is also important to be reliable and trustworthy and expect the same from them. When there’s trust, you’ll be able to let go of your inhibitions during and just enjoy the moment. Getting out of your head during sex is a sure way to have great orgasms.  

Quick Tips:

  1. Praise each other’s achievements, even if you feel a twinge of jealousy. 
  2. Make joint decisions together and share equal choices when making plans.
  3. Stick to your commitment to them even if you’re pressured by others to change.
  4. Plan something special when your partner is feeling low.
  5. Balance criticism with compliments and offer kind, constructive feedback when necessary. Don’t forget to express appreciation when they do something nice or thoughtful. 

black couple kissing

Value Quality Time Together

Life can get pretty busy but you need to prioritize spending time with your partner. This will help you both nurture your bond and prevent either of you from feeling like a casual booty call. Spending time together, even if it’s just to do something simple like watch a movie or run errands together, will help you both embrace the uniqueness that each of you brings to the relationship. This keeps things exciting. 

Quick Tips:

  1. Listen actively and show genuine interest in what your partner has to say.
  2. Respect each other’s social preferences without pressure to act differently.
  3. Schedule dedicated weekly dates. This doesn’t have to be elaborate. 
  4. Get creative and plan diverse activities to do together. 

Maintain Connections Beyond Your Romantic Relationship

A healthy sexual relationship is one where individual interests are nurtured and boundaries are respected. It is vital to build and maintain healthy friendships with others apart from your partner. Spend time with your family members and explore your hobbies alone. Having a healthy relationship with yourself will set the pace for maintaining one with your partner. 

Quick Tips: 

  1. Explore personal hobbies, even if they are different from your partner’s preferences.
  2. Ensure a balance in social interactions by allocating time weekly for friends and family.
  3. Respect your partner’s relationships and plans.
  4. Don’t expect your partner to fulfill all your needs. Making your partner your everything can place undue burden on them and might breed resentment in the long run, Seek out different perspectives from friends and family.

Be Reasonable and Communicate Openly

Openly communicating your desires and being willing to try out new things is a great way to spice up your sex life. Being reasonable also means that you need to understand and accept that your partner’s sexual preferences and desires may evolve over time. Be open to exploring different forms of physical touch and play that goes beyond sexual acts. 


When there are differences in sexual drive, be free to address them openly and seek out mutually satisfying solutions. These solutions have to accommodate both you and your partner’s needs. Remember that the definition of intimacy goes beyond intercourse. 

The Takeaway?

Building and maintaining a healthy sexual relationship takes time, attention and practice. It also takes two people who are open-minded and willing to put in the work. 

If any or all of these tips resonate with you, share them with your partner and help them get on the same page. You can also share them with friends (especially the ones with benefits *wink*.) If you don’t have a partner, don’t worry; you can still find one this December.

If you enjoyed this article and would love to see more tips, conversations and memes about sex, join our Sex and Intimacy community on Fusion.

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